10% Discount On All Paradox Place & Pier Pressure Experiences

Discount Code: AIRHOSTPP

All AirHost for You guests can get a nifty 10% discount for entry into the fun and fascinating world of Paradox Place House of Illusions and Wonder. Take the most amazing selfies and have a right old laugh in the process as you become part of mind-bending optical illusions. Want to see yourself as a hologram? A tiny Borrower-like person? Or even as just a head without a body? Check out Paradox Place. Suitable for the whole family. Just use discount code AIRHOSTPP at the online checkout or quote it when you a buy a ticket in the shop!

If you’re looking for an immersive adventure in Brighton, AirHost for You can get you 10% off an escape room game with the award-winning Pier Pressure escape rooms. These Brighton themed escape rooms will get your brain tingling and your adrenalin pumping as you take on the challenges against the clock. With themes like a 90s rave night club, a jewellery heist in the Brighton Lanes and a murder mystery set in the 1960s mods and rockers era, there’s something for everyone. Booking in advance is required so use discount code AIRHOSTPP at the online checkout or mention it when you book over the phone!


All images belong to Pier Pressure.


Lucky Voice


Metro Deco